Child Disorders

Namma Homeopathy provides treatment to school children, adolescents, and youths, who are suffering from attention deficiency, concentration, and behavioral changes.

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    Homeopathy Treatment for Children

    In addition to treating children’s common and urgent health issues, homeopathic medicines also work to prevent repeated illness. Homeopathy treatment for children can safely and efficiently treat various ailments, including chronic tonsillitis, enlarged adenoids, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, and constipation. Homeopathy can also treat emotional and behavioral issues like anxiety, depression, and defiant or violent conduct.

    Mental disorders among children are described as severe changes in how they typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, which cause distress and problems getting through the day. Childhood mental and developmental disorders encompass neurodevelopmental, emotional, and behavioral disorders that have broad and severe adverse impacts on psychological and social well-being. Children with these disorders require additional support from families and educational systems; the disorders frequently persist into adulthood.

    A child is said to be disordered when they are not meeting everyday behavioral needs for their age in the form of sociability, i.e., behaving with known or unknown people, adapting to settings, or with the destructive nature of the child. Failure to mature appropriately for his age causes various behavioral problems, many of which first appear in young school-age children when they are forced to leave the safety and security of their mother and home for an unfamiliar setting with strangers.

    Most Common Symptoms of Child Disorders

    Parents sometimes have a difficult time identifying a child’s mental condition. As a result, numerous kids who would profit from treatment don’t receive it. Some of the most common symptoms are:

    • Mood changes
    • Intense feelings
    • Behavior changes
    • Difficulty concentration
    • Unexplained Weight loss
    • Physical symptoms
    • Physical harm
    • Substance abuse


    Numerous problems that a child may have can be successfully treated with best and safe  homeopathy treatment for children. Homeopathy can treat any condition, including infantile colic, teething, aches and pains, and even behavioral issues.

    Types of Child Disorders

    Brain-based diseases are caused by neurochemical issues or structural abnormalities in the brain. On the other hand, behavioral issues indicate neurodevelopmental challenges that a physically healthy child displays in social situations such as home, school, or neighborhood. Here are a few types of child disorders:

    • Common childhood mental illnesses
    • Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    • Developmental disorders
    • Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Adjustment Disorders
    • Learning Disabilities
    • Learning Disabilities
    • Anxiety Disorders
    • Attention Deficit
    • Bipolar Disorder
    • Depression
    • Autism


    Namma Homeopathy treats schoolchildren, adolescents, and teenagers who have problems with attention, focus, and behavioral changes, among other things. According to our physicians, homeopathy treatment for children is highly effective for everything from ADHD to ASD. We provide medication, support, and counseling to help kids overcome their issues and enhance their quality of life.

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